A piece of ' Hindustan Cake " year 1947.

I find this disturbing to think and realize about the history of those years when India wanted freedom desperately from British. 190 years of British rule was certainly a difficult time in our past.  One prime reason which i feel was strongly supportive in bringing the British rule to end was World war 2. WW2 is a prime reason because of which British realized that they cannot afford to keep their People, Army, Staff anymore in India. However, this is also true that their was a extreme increase in counter fights by Indian citizens against British.

Anyways my blog is about the happiness with which this freedom came, but the pain of formation of India & Pakistan. 

For India, father of nation is M Gandhi Ji whereas For Pakistan , father of Nation is M Ali Jinnah.  

My Question here is-

 In Pakistan, Whom do they consider as Freedom fighters against British Raj?

Is Bhagat Singh equally a Bhagat Singh in Pakistan  as well? 

Does their History books anywhere talks about Pandit Nehru, Sardar patel, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose?  

Do they Consider our father of Nation as of any value to them for Independence from British?

This question comes because our ( Indian) books don't talk much or anything about M Ali Jinnah. 

I am adding few of the New paper of 15th Aug 1947  , when Hindustan times was usually once a week edition. I am trying to bring those news back to this blog to feel if our history actually needed this India? Was partition so important to manage the riots of Hindu Muslim of those years? 

I see 2 aspects to it.

1) In India, currently 79.8% are Hindu, 14.2% Muslim , their are still riots within India among the two but we are living very strongly and happily together. We have together made this Strong , Reputed India of today, Each person Each religion has made this India. So, my point is, Even if Partition would had not happened, may be we all could had been a bigger and stronger Nation with more peace across borders.

2) Second aspect to it could be, In Pakistan 96.2% are   Muslim while just 1.6% of Hindus,  In Bangladesh around 90% are Muslims & 8% are Hindu, Ignoring the population counts of both nations,  pakistan currently being 2nd largest in population in Muslims count, If India Pakistan were together their could had been more chances of many often fights among us. 

I am still unsure if we both could still have lived together and formed "The Great India " or was it a "Great" idea to form a separate majority / Minority Nations of our interests to keep our coming years more pleasant.

If i go by Map which did not had boundaries of India, Pakistan & Bangladesh, I feel we could had been much more stronger on globe, however, the indifference among the religion made us rivals & weaker. 

they were politicians who crafted this idea to do politics for religion, later as well they utilized the same concept for religions, caste, reservations to further weaken us.
