Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Its not Just a Name.

This blog is coming from me because of a curiosity which took me to ask my friends one Question.

I asked around 30 of my friends the following mentioned Question, out of which 20 have replied, 10 kept spectator assuming i am fool to ask this.

Question was - 

What is your opinion about Mahatma Gandhi? Good Guy or bad? pls b honest with ur view.. just curious to know in general what ppl has view about him.

I found the views of each of them were divided and few of them,  Geetha , Ankit, Hiral out of 20 were the only ones who said Gandhi was a good guy. rest all , irrespective of the fact if they know history or not, they said he was a bad guy. I even tried to ask them the reason why did they say he was bad, reasons which came to me by them sounds like useless, absolute lack of information they had . 

I feel sorry for this generation, They have enough time to google any damn thing , but they have no curiosity to dig right information before even getting to a conclusion or making a opinion of Good or bad. Gandhi along with many other had fought for us, to build this Nation , to get us freedom. The taste of freedom which none of us actually understand.

I feel hurt when few of them replied as below -

One comment by Someone was - " Jitna maine pada h wo britishers k sath mil gaya tha "

Another person - " He was a bad guy ' i asked " reason ". 
Reply - " Khud bhi to videsh jake padha, Jab use train se nikala tab akal aayi, Us se pehle khoob suit pehanke ghoomta tha, His support to Nehru family ".

One more interesting reply - " His philosophy was good. Ahinsa. But he truly never followed it. He nd nehru planned netaji murder. So in my opinion he is not less than a thug. For me he is a bad guy. If Netaji was there. India and Pakistan never got divided nd there is no reservation and castism . Only being Indian would be our only identity." 

Various such comments came in reply which i openly says i felt hurt because none of them were justified well. I do not wish to put my opinion here if he was a good guy or a bad guy, but i wish to put my observation as none of them know what he has done for this nation, none of them talked about the struggle, none of them talked about the effect on british, none of them talked about his movements, none of them talked about his ability to bear the Violence of British in a non-violence manner. They knew nothing about this gentelman.

In short i wish to put my words in relation to replies which above comments were made..

One comment by Someone was - " Jitna maine pada h wo britishers k sath mil gaya tha " 

My reply to this is, my friend, Later we people gave him a tag of "Mahatma " & 'Father of Nation " . Does your statement makes any sense?

Another person - " He was a bad guy ' i asked " reason ". 
Reply - " Khud bhi to videsh jake padha, Jab use train se nikala tab akal aayi, Us se pehle khoob suit pehanke ghoomta tha, His support to Nehru family ".

My reply here, My friend, Life is not about a day, its an experience of many years. Going abroad to study at certain age is a good thing, the best thing was he came back to India and worked to make this India. Arent we people in this generation go abroad to study & even stays their for entire fucking life to make money?  he cared for the people of India & came back to India .

One more interesting reply - " His philosophy was good. Ahinsa. But he truly never followed it. He nd nehru planned netaji murder. So in my opinion he is not less than a thug. For me he is a bad guy. If Netaji was there. India and Pakistan never got divided nd there is no reservation and castism . Only being Indian would be our only identity." 

My reply here, Are you out of your mind? Can you please prove this statement even through a decent"google" source so that mystry of Netaji death could be resolved !!! India was not divided by Mahatma, their is a strong & details reason of getting to that point of conversation in which 5 member team was formed Including Jinnah . Anyways, For them to know, they should read the history that M Gandhi was no were involved.

I love this breath in India, i have respect for all leaders which fought for us, i wish i could request these young generation to spend some time to value our great Leaders. Once Free India, does not mean would be free for ever. Such a bad day could come again in future to write a history.  British Conquered us because they were more powerful, this could happen again if we fall less powerful against anyone. Respect for people who bought us here. Thanks. 


  1. Good effort help us in enlightening more about the values virtues and vision of Mahatma Gandhi.

    1. Hello, i did not got ur name here but then Why do u need to wait for my comment to get enlightining towards m gandhi? gandhi is a name that we have heard since childhood, we should read from available sources and realise if you feel enlighten or not. However, thanks for your comment, i am saying so because my words shall get less in order to appriciate sucha great leader.

  2. Good thought.. I can nobody among us has accurate information .. Everybody have different versions . We should not come to any conclusions if we are lacking actual information and facts..


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