Being Inhuman !!! Delhi school 'detains' KG kids in basement as 'punishment' for delay in payment of fees???

My heart is in very painful state after knowing this news of our " Indian Education System". Kids of ages 4 & 5 of class KG were locked in basement in such a hot humid environment . These kids were locked up because their parents have either delayed fees / fees does not reflect in school account for xyz reasons.

I am writing this blog on 13th July 2018, this certainly falls in 21st century where we are talking about developed nations, we are talking about respect for everyone, we are talking about a nation that stands among few strongest Nations globally. This shameful act is done by the orders of a school Principle, a designation that is believed to appear as shelter over teachers and kids. We all adults today were kids someday, each of us who appear successful or stand to contribute to this nation has gone school over the years to learn & get prepared about the various important things. These teachers and principle made us, but then what if teachers / principles becomes senseless..

1) Principle who gave the order to do so..
2) teachers who locked these kids.
3) Supporting nanny / guards who were part of this.

All these were of good matured age & themselves they are parents to 1 or 2 kids . they should have realized what irresponsible act they are getting part of?   

I always feel proud that we could make our nation great, i always think & write about making this nation great & respecting everyone. I was born to feel proud & give respect to everyone. But how do i respect these few evil minorities who demand legal money against kids locked up in basement? WTF? 

IMAGE Taken from a newslink  claiming of that event !!! Image link

Look at these brave faces of kids, expressions are still happy unknowing what has happened to them is what they do not deserve. One kid is even holding both of her ears being afraid a little .  I could not spend my day looking at this pic, i feel sorry for the Nation of allowing such incidents to happen.

“We asked the school staff who then informed us that the children have been kept in the basement since 7 am and the door was latched from outside. We opened the door and saw the children on the floor. The room was hot and had only two fans. Most of the children were thirsty and hungry,” the parents said.  

Life is beautiful, its beautiful because of these beautiful kids around.  I request everyone to understand moral responsibilities & help surrounding within our organizations , families, surrounding.
